Sunday, June 12, 2011

Utter Glamour of the 20's

I must apologize to those few still reading my blog for not updating regularly since before Easter. Things have been wildly hectic lately, and I guess the lack of readers made me feel like I could get away with going on hiatus. But upon realizing that I'm simply incapable of making art without listening to jazz and looking at old pictures, and now that I don't have anything more important to do, I can finally come back to this. I do enjoy it so much.

Check out these four beautiful 1920's photographs of classic glamour girls. They seem perfect, almost larger than life. What a time they lived in!


  1. Hi Laura, I'm trying to get in touch with you. You won one of my pieces of art. Laura at

  2. I’m a blog crazed person and i love to read cool blog like yours.Keep up the great job!

  3. @Argumentative essay Thanks for the kind words! I'll be updating a bit more often now. :D

  4. I've come to the conclusion that we should build a time machine an go there.

    I have ambitions to travel. INTO THE PAST.
