Monday, December 5, 2011

Let It Snow

Just in time for the Christmas season, my town has received a little blizzard, leaving the ground coated with two inches of pristine white snow! I was beginning to worry that we wouldn't see any at all this year.

Last night, I was not looking forward to driving home from work, creeping 10 MPH down a highway transformed by ice into something resembling a woodland path. So I walked in the perfect silence to look through the windows of the "North Pole," where children can sit on Santa's lap. Graced by no less than four heavily decorated Christmas trees, a fireplace, and a big armchair for Santa himself, it's the picture of cozy Christmas joy and tradition. Dimly lit windows reflected the falling snow as well as several real trees outside. My footprints were the only ones marking the fresh, sparkling snow.

What could be more lovely, more comforting? It truly feels like Christmastime now. Without snow, it simply doesn't feel complete, like the white Christmases celebrated in every song, "just like the ones I used to know..."

 I am absolutely enchanted by this photo. Two ladies building an elegant Victorian snow lady in winter of 1891. Think how many Christmases have passed since that lovely lady melted, and yet here she is "frozen" in time forever.
 A young Marilyn Monroe, when she was still simply Norma Jeane Dougherty.
 Wonderful WWI era imagery. Reminds me of the War Horse film that's coming out soon...
 Nothing more classic than this!

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