Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Valse Septembre

I continue to be astonished by how easily time gets away from me. Can it be that September is almost over? Here it is autumn, and I never saw it coming, I just woke up one day and it was fall. At least that's how it seems. I've brought out the cinnamon candles and fuzzy socks quite without thinking about it. I can feel the year descending, slowing down. That may sound weird, but it's true. Listening to my Bing Crosby records, I'm getting excited for that time of year when I watch all his movies and bring out the antique ornaments.

But first things first. It's the perfect time of year for cruising classic cars while there's still a chance. Halloween is coming, a season which has me giddy with glee. I've been perusing Victorian Trading Company's new catalogs and shopping for fall clothes. And of course my favourite pastime, collecting vintage ephemera. I love this month, so it's a treat to have a September birthday. Enjoy this assortment of 18 images with a uniquely Septembery look and feel.

I'm just crazy for this photo. It's like The Great Gatsby leaped straight off the page!
"The Successful German Sportscar"

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